Friday, April 18, 2008

Blogathon coming up

Blogathon Blogathon Blogathon, post, post, post!!!! hehehhehe just trying to make some rhym..........But you guys may have guess it right the marathon for Bloggers is coming up....................For that matter it os for everyone who wants to blog...................Its a marathon for all who have a point of view, an urge to share the views.....................

Blogathon The Coming!!! a competition between bloggers for the best post, or best content on the blogs............It is named Blogathon because here the mind will run.........Here there will be a marathon between the mind of all bloggers participating.

Lets see who wins...................More details is on the site
Let me give you a preview...............................The people at Blogathon have decided some topics on which we have to bl og and submit the post for reviewing...................Blogathon will last for a Week from 20-25 April...............Each day one topic, everyday you have to submit your post for the competition..................
Plus every post should have a technorati tag BlogathonIndia, BLogathinIndia1........................Probably the post will get some prize...................The best about Blogathon is people will say their word at least for the sake of competition......................At least more people other than regular bloggers will share their thoughts............

Hoping for the best.


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