Wednesday, February 13, 2008

About Web 2.0

About Web 2.0

The first person that proposed the Web 2.0 idea was Tim O'Reilly, the CEO of a computer books publisher-O'Reilly Media. "Web 2.0" is his idea of a conference title, referring to highly interactive social websites, called blogs, like Wretch, MySpace, Secondlife, YouTube, Flickr,, Wikipedia, Kiko, and CalendarHub. These sites are designed to enable strangers of the real world interact online. It allows many consumers to get used to the concept of socially collective cooperation, e.g., people sharing URL link, photos, video, and information in the Internet space.

However, there are many web users unaware of fraud possibilities, and they often engage in risky online behavior and activities. According to the National Cyber Security Alliance statistics, 57% of users who are aware of potential security risks are still disclosing important information to other Internet users. Therefore, these websites are easy targets to social engineering attacks.

There are many such websites that run a risk of triggering a series of malicious codes. These invasions of legitimate websites include tourism, automobile manufacturing, film and music, tax and employment services, and hotels' website. When any of these users enter these websites, their PCs will guide them to another malicious JavaScript IP address, and start a chain of Trojan horses (virus) downloads.

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