Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Lot Of Great Books…Too Little Time To Read

Guys! isn’t this a situation most of us are suffering. We always want to know whats inside business books, but can’t afford or dont have time to read it. Then at times we feel its CLICHE, everyone may give us the same GAS and we tend to leave it.

Just imagine if we can get a brief summary(of say 5-6 pages) of these books, then we would probably read all of them and then select the best one for complete reading. Probably our library may be having many of these books.

So here is a site which will give you summaries of one of the best selling business books. It is a pay site, but they provide free subscription for a month. Where in, they will send us summaries, for no cost, for a duration of a month.

I think even subscribing for a month would suffice our needs. Here is the site

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